Aotearoa Summer Reads to inspire nation to choose home-grown talent
A cast of New Zealand writers have selected their top picks from the Aotearoa-grown bookshelves to help guide kiwis in their Summer reading goals.
Aotearoa Summer Reads
launches with Fairfax Media on Sunday 11 December with not-your-average-housewife and
author Gilda Kirkpatrick talking us through her book picks via video on, and
with the first reveal of the extended reading list in the Sunday Star
Writers Catherine Chidgey, Carl Nixon, Albert Wendt, Kelly Ana Morey, Jenny Pattrick and Leeanna Morgan have between them orchestrated a stellar list of more than twenty books to inspire our reading choices for the next few months.
‘Tracey Slaughter’s stunning second collection of short stories garnered rave reviews earlier this year – if you haven’t already gobbled down Deleted Scenes for Lovers, stop what you’re doing and get your hands on it now.’ says author, Catherine Chidgey of one of her book choices.
Such advice from the selection panel will be revealed and celebrated over the coming months with an #aotearoareads campaign driven by the New Zealand Book Council.
On choosing one of his own titles for Aotearoa Summer Reads, Albert Wendt says ‘This is the first time I’m recommending one of my own books. I’ve always felt wrong about doing so, and I haven’t. But now, nearing the end of my writing life, I’ve decided so what! You’ve spent years teaching and recommending other writers’ books, so why not one of yours, especially one you’re very fond of?’
And why not indeed! Aotearoa Summer Reads is a movement created to inspire bold choices and an adventure in reading New Zealand writers. #aotearoareads
For media enquiries please contact:
Aotearoa Summer Reads Campaign Manager
Claire Mabey | [email protected] | +64 22 318