Books on the Bus NZ to Launch in Auckland
Free books will start
finding their way into New Zealand’s public transport systems like buses, ferries, train
stations and bus stops, thanks to the Books on the Bus NZ movement.
Auckland, New Zealand /Books on the Bus NZ/ (10 Jan 2016) – The book fairies will soon be spreading the love for reading in Auckland and other parts of New Zealand. Books on the Bus movement aims to leave over 100 new and used books throughout the country’s public transport system – including buses, trains, ferries, bus stations, bus stops and train stations.
The idea was inspired by Books on the Underground (, a camapign started in 2012 in London by Hollie Fraser. The concept is as simple as it sounds. People place their books in the London Underground to be found by lucky travelers, who then read them and return them to the tube. Hollie has since moved to New York to start Books on the Subway. Books on the Underground is now managed by Cordelia Oxley. The movement has caught on with the endorsement of celebrity book fairy Emma Watson.
This mobile library movement is initiated by Jade-Ceres Dolor in her home city of Auckland. She plans to leave books as she travels across New Zealand. The daily commuter has been using the Auckland bus system intensively over the last year and thinks this is a great way to spread her love for reading with everyone else on the road.
Books will be left on buses and trains, particularly on seats, benches, station signs and around ticket areas. This will be accompanied by social media updates in the newly set up Facebook Page and Twitter Page with the hastag #booksonthebusnz
To help the movement gain traction, A Givealittle campaign has been set up here:
This will help fund the logistics of Books on the Bus NZ including purchase of new and used books, stickers and shipping and distribution to other willing book fairies around New Zealand.
Books on the Bus NZ will officially kickoff on the second week of January 2017. Stay tuned for more details.
Media Contact:
Jade-Ceres Violet Dolor
Head Book Fairy
Books on the Bus NZ
Mobile: 021-08524482
Email: [email protected]