New Zealanders at War: Writing War | A residential workshop for writers
The centenary of World War I has led to a wealth of writing and historical research. Remembering the sacrifice of a generation of New Zealanders, we reflect on the realities of war, the myths, the aftermath and impact on those left at home.
It has also created interest in the role of war in our society, from warfare on New Zealand soil to more recent conflicts, such as Vietnam and the conflicts we are joining even today.
New Zealanders at War: Writing War will cover all aspects of writing about war: research, the resources available, the ethics and the issues. With leading writers of New Zealand history, it will include sessions on writing military history, social history, the experience of Māori and Pacific Island people, war in fiction, drama and art, writing about war for children, and writing about the things we might prefer to forget.
Speakers include leading international military historian Chris Pugsley, Damien Fenton from Massey University, Gavin McLean from the Ministry of Culture and Heritage, historian and archaeologist David Veart, Puawai Cairns from Te Papa, art historian and author Jenny Haworth, oral historian and writer Megan Hutching, peace activist and author Maire Leadbetter, social historian Te Awhina Arahanga and publishers.
The annual Michael King Writers’ Centre residential workshop has become an important opportunity for New Zealand writers. Designed especially for experienced writers to hone their craft, it is a high-level, intensive symposium style seminar featuring some of the best talent in the country.
This is the seventh residential workshop in the annual series. Places will be limited. Applications close on August 21, 2015.
When: Saturday October 24 to Monday October 26, 2015 (Labour weekend)
Location: Vaughan Park
Retreat and Conference Centre, 1043 Beach Road, Long Bay, Auckland 0630
Cost: Workshop including all meals and single accommodation $595 incl GST or
Workshop including all meals and shared twin accommodation $550 incl GST
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required once your application is accepted and full payment will be required before the workshop starts.
For an application form, full programme details and speaker profiles, please visit our web site, contact the centre or click here.
The Michael King Writers’ Centre is grateful for the support of Foundation North.
Michael King Writers’ Centre
PO Box 32629
Devonport, Auckland 0744
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 09 445 8451