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Published on December 9th, 2016 | by Booknotes Administrator


NZ Books - latest issue available now


2 Elizabeth Aitken-Rose: Penning in a digital world (byline)


3 Ashleigh Young: Margot Roth, Roll on the Revolution … But Not Till After Xmas!: Selected Feminist Writing


4 Ingrid Horrocks: Ashleigh Young, Can You Tolerate This?: Personal Essays


5 Sarah Quigley: Ingrid Horrocks and Cherie Lacey (eds), Extraordinary Anywhere: Essays on Place From Aotearoa New Zealand


6 Paula Morris: Helene Wong, Being Chinese; Julie Fry and Hayden Glass, Going Places: Migration, Economics and the Future of New Zealand; Atholl Anderson, The First Migration: Māori Origins 3000 BC- AD 1450; Mere Kēpa, Marilyn McPherson and Linitā Manu’atu (eds), Home: Here to Stay


7 Olivia Bennett: Glenn Colquhoun, The Art of Walking Upright


8 Edmund Bohan: T E Scott, The Song Journey; Joan Norlev Taylor, Napoleon’s Willow


9 John O’Leary: Elsbeth Hardie, The Girl Who Stole Stockings: The True Story of Susannah Noon and the Women of the Convict Ship Friends; Helen Thomas, May Your Shadow Never Grow Less: The Life and Times of Henry and Jane Holland, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1863-1945


11 Paul Moon: Lloyd Carpenter and Lyndon Fraser (eds), Rushing for Gold: Life and Commerce on the Goldfields of New Zealand and Australia


12 Bookshelf


13 Peter Russell: Friedrich Voit (ed), Andrew Paul Wood (trans), Karl Wolfskehl: Three Worlds / Drei Welten: Selected Poems: German and English


14 Michael Hulse: Jenny Bornholdt, Selected Poems


15 Anna Jackson: Hera Lindsay Bird, Hera Lindsay Bird


16 Melissa Laing: Roger Horrocks, Re-inventing New Zealand: Essays on the Arts and the Media


17 Hugh Roberts: Jennifer Lawn, Neoliberalism and Cultural Transition in New Zealand Literature, 1984-2008


18 Chris Else: David Ciccoricco, Refiguring Minds in Narrative Media


19 Mark Houlahan: John Smythe, The Plays of Bruce Mason: A Survey; David O’Donnell (ed), Here/Now: 8 Plays by Award-Winning New Zealand Playwrights


20 Jon Johansson: Helen Leahy, Crossing the Floor: The Story of Tariana Turia


21 Melinda Johnston: Peter Bromhead, Bromhead: Scratching a Living


22 Helen Watson White: Peter Simpson, Bloomsbury South: The Arts in Christchurch 1933-1953


23 Claudia Jardine: Katie Pickles, Christchurch Ruptures; James Norcliffe and Joanna Preston (eds), Leaving the Red Zone: Poems from the Canterbury Earthquakes


24 Giovanni Tiso: Jock Phillips, To the Memory: New Zealand’s War Memorials


25 Stella Ramage: Jennifer Howarth, Behind the Twisted Wire: New Zealand Artists in WWI


27 Crossword

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