Sneak peek: I am a writer by ZR Southcombe
So you want to be a writer?
Join Zee and these real-life kiwi artists as they share advice, experience, and inspiration.
With activities to try throughout the book, it’s sure to help you on your own writer’s journey.
About the author
Zee is an independent
artist who paints and writes from her home in the beautiful country of New Zealand, which she
draws on for inspiration and grounding.
After working as a classroom teacher, Zee decided to follow her passion for children’s
literature and write her own chapter book, The Caretaker of Imagination. Finding enjoyment in
creative storytelling, she went on to write and publish three more books in that world, in
addition to a wordless picture book, several colouring books, the (wo)manpower zines, and the
annual NZ Young Writers’ Anthology.
Two of her books were shortlisted for the 2016 Sir Julius Awards in the Best Youth Novel
category, and all her books have been reviewed favourably by readers. Zee’s colouring designs
have been shown twice in Artweek Auckland, as well as local festivals.
A true creative, Zee always has a number of projects on the go (and a cup of tea in her hand).
She lives in Auckland with her encouraging, supportive and creative partner, David, and their
cat, Shadow.
When we picture the stereotypical writer (think back to the first chapter of this book) we don’t tend to see them as the life of the party - or even being at a party. We tend to picture them in solitude.
In reality, writers need other people to help them polish their story and publish their book: editors, formatters, illustrators, designers, publishers, agents. The list goes on!
For my stories, they’re usually sent to a manuscript assessor who will spot the plot holes, major strengths and weaknesses, and and any recurring issues in my writing. After I’ve made the changes they’ve suggested, it then goes to beta readers.
Once I’ve gone through their advice, it will go to a copy editor who gives me line-by-line edits and suggests more changes. Finally, it will go to a proofreader.
In amongst all of this, the illustrations need to be done, which I sometimes hire an artist to do and sometimes do myself.
After all of this is done, I format it to the right size to send to my printer, who magically turns them into beautiful books (though for my zines I do this bit myself, too!)
Join Zee and six other Kiwi authors at Meow Cafe in Wellington on Feb 18th for a celebration of seven spectacular new books!
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