May 15th, 2014 | by Booknotes Administrator
You’re yet to read Keri Hulme’s The Bone People, or it was such a long
time ago you’d like to refresh your memory … read our Bluffer’s Guide to the 2014 Great Kiwi
May 5th, 2014 | by Booknotes Administrator
The team at Unity Books Auckland list ten inspiring classic Kiwi
novels to join Keri Hulme's The Bone People, this year's nominated Great Kiwi Classic.
March 14th, 2014 | by Booknotes Administrator
Thomasin Sleigh's debut novel Ad Lib has just been published and it
follows Kyla Crane as she inherits a reality TV series after the death of her celebrity mother
March 13th, 2014 | by Booknotes Administrator
Mary McCallum's new book, Dappled Annie and the Tigrish, is released
this month. We ask her a few questions about her first novel for young readers
November 8th, 2013 | by Booknotes Administrator
We interview Pip Adamabout her debut novel, I'm Working on A Building,
a fascinating book that follows a range of characters who are obsessed with building, engineering,
and the built world.
October 31st, 2013 | by Booknotes Administrator
Elizabeth Knox's new novel, Wake, has been described as 'a book about
extreme events, ordinary people, heroic compassion—and invisible monsters'. Here, she charts her
history with horror
October 24th, 2013 | by Booknotes Administrator
Congratulations to Anna Hesp for winning a copy of Carl Nixon’s new
novel, The Virgin and the Whale - courtesy …
October 24th, 2013 | by Booknotes Administrator
Playwright and author Whiti Hereaka is currently on the highly
prestigious International Writers Program at the University of Iowa. We asked her Five Easy
Questions about her new YA novel, Bugs...
October 16th, 2013 | by Booknotes Administrator
Rachel O'Neill wonders about the diversity of our chick lit and
romance heroines and what limitations, if any, are placed on female characters by readers,
publishers and writers.
October 15th, 2013 | by Booknotes Administrator
Our slightly irreverent literary questionnaire, inspired by New
Zealand author Katherine Mansfield. We asked Kirsty Gunn to reveal all in our first questionnaire.